flash a smile

美 [flæʃ ə smaɪl]英 [flæʃ ə smaɪl]
  • 露出笑容
flash a smileflash a smile
  1. If you flash a smile to everyone you meet , they will see you as a laid-back person who is easy to approach , talk to and be friends with .


  2. Every morning when the sun goes out to shine , I flash a smile but deep inside , I feel so sad and lonely and all I 'm thinking is that I need you here and now .


  3. At the most solemn moments he will flash a mocking smile or make an ironic remark


  4. The mirror won 't show a reflection unless you flash it a smile .


  5. It was the least I could do for this perfect stranger , who had brought me out of a dismal time with a mere flash of a smile .
